
Detecting toxic content has always been slow and expensive. Not anymore. Introducing a fast, free and open-source profanity filter for your web apps.

  • Much faster and cheaper to run than AI
  • Pretty accurate
  • 100% free & open-source
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"Hate speech f@#k!ng sucks"

- guy from my discord (i forgot who 💀)

Moderating profanity is a thankless job. If you run a web app with any kind of user generated content, it's your responsibility to keep things in order. That's a challenge if your users keep dropping F-bombs like confetti at a toddler's birthday party.

Profanity on your website...


...scares away new visitors

Imagine your ideal customer waddling through a minefield of four-letter words to find your amazing product. Not exactly a recipe for conversion is it??


...makes you look bad

Your sweet grandma wants to see what her sunshine is doing on the internet and stumbles upon your website. Do you really need her to put on a hazmat suit first?

There's a better way

F@#k moderating content manually! Let ProfanityAPI do the dirty work of keeping your user input clean.

Make an API request

1const res = await fetch('', {
2 method: 'POST',
3 headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
4 body: JSON.stringify({ message }),